类别:行业报价 / 日期:2024-08-08 / 浏览:17 / 评论:0

青岛老码头海鲜私房菜案 If people indiscriminate tree-felling, land will become empty, there could be a flood disaster.

开茶店取什么名字.全案 fell 砍倒(树等);砍伐 cut down 砍伐;减少 砍伐森林 disafforest disafforestation 砍伐 fell hag lop chopping down trees 砍伐树木 具体哪一个要看语境

温州燕子广场舞卓玛与玫瑰mp3下载案 干旱 drought; arid; dry; aridity 例句 1、干旱期间庄稼都枯死了。 The crops died during the drought. 2、几百万人因干旱和歉收而受到饥饿的威胁。 Millions of people are

晚上做梦发.水了水浑案 the environment at now,the temperature is become height and height,drought disaster ,flood disaster and so on. when you use one-off chopsticks ,the tree was be cut and the

可以加盟的品牌奶茶店案 砍伐 [词典] fell (trees); hag; lop; [例句]我们要砍伐这些.树。We will fell these great trees.


青岛极地海洋馆门单馆案 Because of people's cutting down forests and polluting the water ,the home of animals is declining. bird fish

两个月宝宝干呕不拉便便案 简明英汉词典 lop D.J.[lɔp] K.K.[lɑp] vt. 1 砍伐;剪(枝) 2 削减 3 (从…)砍掉,剪去,削去(树枝等) 4 削减;缩.;减少 简明英汉词典 fell D.J.[fel] K.K.[fɛl] vt. 砍倒;

鞋子品牌加盟排行案 您好,Fell、hag、lop 动词,“砍伐”

新思路女装案 clear cutting logging皆伐,也就是把某片森林里的树木全部砍掉。乱砍滥伐e.ploitative logging





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